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Coaching Tools and Techniques
A must for those committed to effective coaching.
Powerchange’s outstanding Coaching Tools and Techniques are now available as part of our Learn To Coach programme.
Learn To Coach provides you with what you need to coach people to the depth they are need. These tools are not the run-of-the-mill interventions and exercises found in many coach training schools and academies. Check out the pages on this website and you’ll soon pick up that we have the breadth and experience to show you how to find you way through at least some of the complex web that is the human brain and help your client find the freedom and insight they need for the future. We’re confident you’ll quickly start to treasure these insightful tools as much as we do, whether coaching at work, or at home, formally as your own personal business, as a volunteer – or simply as a good friend.
We love hearing about how our clients (and our client’s clients) have changed and go on changing throughout their lives as a result of being coached by one of our team. We are committed to YOU being as excited as we are when it comes to coaching competence.
Learn To Coach includes The Ring video series, the C.O.A.C.H. framework, and tuition in the application of all the major coaching tools, like Corrective Truth Technique, The TEN Concept self-worth rewire, SALADD (yes, two ‘D’s), Auto-Response Psychology, C.A.F.E. Styles, ‘Powerbubbles’ personal state management, SGM/ATM, the Map of Human Influence, and so much more. You’ll learn about the physiology of the brain, applied psychology, Invasive History Syndrome, Community Brain Theory, Persistent Unhappiness Syndrome, and a spectrum of other mental health conditions and therapies, and how they fit with human health and psychological well-being today.
Learn To Coach is now available as a one-to-one and small group training tutorial programme with our Director, Andrew Sercombe, based in London or at our office suite in West Sussex.