Our Values

What underlies the Powerchange approach?

Our clients tell us that one reason they are drawn to Powerchange is because of its sense of ‘foundation’. While we take full advantage of the very latest knowledge from around the world about how people ‘work’ and what makes them successful in what they choose to be and do, we also know that spiritual and philosophical issues – potentially the soft underbelly of every organisation and business – are very important in understanding what is going on behind behaviour, self-esteem, motivation and change. In fact understanding these is essential to managing the process of lasting change; our coaching and coach training reflects this.

Time to think

Powerchange GOLD Coaches have given time to thinking through some of the longer term perspectives of their lives, considering values, personal motivation, attitude, choices and what inspires them. It is part of their training – and in fact is part of the ‘Powerchange Experience’ programme too. As an organisation, and individuals within it, we know we will give of our best when our feet are on solid ground, not thin ice. And of course, it is these invisibles, these often frustratingly unmeasurable entities, that drive, dictate, and inspire human behaviour. 

So what is important to us?

We observe that people who generate the more ‘human’ qualities like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self control in their lives seem to enjoy each day more fully – however tough that day may be. We know first-hand from our coaching that clients appreciate the future in a fresh new way as they renew their thinking. We love to see people of every age enjoying themselves, living fulfilled, abundant and happy lives and having a healthy appetite for the future. Yes, the future matters.

Not sure about all this?

Nor are we entirely! We’re still enquiring and curious and wanting to learn more, but it is a starting point from which we’re pleased to work.