Structured Coaching

When you like a clear framework

We have a series of single coaching packs that are perfect for people who like a clear framework and structure. Clients often start with one and move on to others. These are just a sample. Ask your coach to introduce you to them at your first appointment – or discuss your preferences with us on the phone.

The Powerchangertm
Helps you revalue yourself. Perfect for things like self-esteem issues, tidying up messy backgrounds, and fixing the damage done by others. (1-2 hours)

Fields of Strengthtm
You can be a much stronger person! Specifically designed to counter the effects of past injustice and the like. We use this for any imbalance of power between you and another person – often the cause of bullying (at school, in the home, and at work) and other abuses. Not physically strong? Easily dominated? Find it hard to say ‘No.’? Ask for Fields of Strengthtm. (Two appointments, three or so hours.)

Powerchange Experiencetm
A comprehensive look at your whole life, covering everything from your sense of purpose to achievable steps to getting to your goals. (About 8 hours of coaching, spread over three months.)

Connect Welltm
A single-session revelation about the practicalities of relating to others – and connecting well with them. Very informative and a lot of fun! (It takes two hours.)

Control your emotions – and other people’s! Decide how you want to be each day without being tossed around by your circumstances all the time. (One session.)

Developing Leadership Potential
If you are noticing gaps in your leadership and people-management skills, or you lead and manage those who have them, we have the Map of Human Influence to bring fresh insight into the way you approach how you affect others. We initially developed this for our coaches, now we offer it to our clients.  It is a brilliant for parents with family relationship challenges.

Contact us.