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Therapeutic Coaching

You can be yourself.
Therapeutic Coaching is one aspect of personal development most of us need. It is for men women and young people who are struggling to keep their heads above water, either at work or in their personal life. Many of our clients appear perfectly happy on the outside, but behind the facade they are in trouble. Others have given up on the facade. We are here to sort out the challenges.
They may have tried various forms of counselling, hypnotherapy, or CBT with limited results. They’ve typically read self-help books, hunted through magazines and searched out articles on the web to see if that will help.
They may be on antidepressant medication – or trying to avoid it. Some will be frustrated with the medical help they’re currently getting. We have the safest anti-depressants available.
Other clients come to Powerchange before they get to that stage, but know they are persistently unhappy at work or at home and don’t like it.
Powerchange Coaching is highly specialised and highly effective, and works in weeks not years. It’s very difficult to describe, but we’ll do our best if you call and speak to us. We use a specialist in-house approach to empower the changes you need.
The truth is, no one needs to suffer from Persistent Unhappiness these days, so if you know anyone who looks great, but isn’t, or seems to be trying too hard, or is simply drowning, just put them in touch with us.
You are the person to connect us with the person who needs our help. If it’s you, then call or email Check out the stories of those who have. You will change, but nothing will change unless we connect up.
Powerchange Therapeutic Coaching is available internationally by Skype, and face to face in London, throughout Southern England, and in Wales.
Call or text direct for a no-commitment conversation: 07771631945
When you are ready, take the first step and email or phone us for that initial no-commitment (and no cost) confidential conversation.