“Multisensory Neuro-Epigenetic Modulation” — Really?

A real mouthful, that one, hence our abbreviation to MINEM, but it is both meaningful and relevant. In a word, what and how you THINK is being found to affect, not just your behaviour but your genetic makeup.

For the past ten years our personal development coaching has been using – and continues to develop – sensory interventions to bring about deep lasting shifts in behaviour that resonate, we are now discovering, with current research. 

The Greek prefix epi- (ἐπι- “over, outside of, around”) in epigenetics implies features that are “on top of” or “in addition to” the traditional (DNA sequence based) genetic mechanism of inheritance. For most clients its relevance is not so much towards their children as the fact that they are someone’s child. 

Through deliberately created internal and external auditory, visual and kinaesthetic interventions we seem to have been able to ‘switch off’ and modulate deeply rooted mental health issues and support the ensuing installation of significant and ‘permanent’ behavioural change.  

We began with Linguo-epigenetic Modulation, then realised that the experiences of our clients were in fact multisensory. We worked initially with short 2-hour interventions.  Although these were effective for some, for others a series of four, perhaps five, 2-hour sessions over six to eight weeks is now our norm. This is as far a cry from the many months and years often involved in ‘traditional’ psychotherapy as gene therapy is from the usual drug-based interventions.

Of course, such work continues to sponsor many questions, not least because of the lack of research into the psychotherapeutic non-drug use of what we have called Multisensory Intervention Neuro-Epigenetic Modulation (MINEM).  We are constantly trying out MINEM with clients from a broad background of psychological needs, and considering the expansion of the approach into as yet unexplored and undeveloped areas.  

More … on our MINEM.co.uk website here