The List

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Over the last twenty years we have built up a huge amount of experience of coaching people towards emotional health and wellbeing.  Here are some of the reasons people came to us.  If some of these resonate with you, be reassured, Powerchange Therapeutic Coaching will make a big difference.  Remember, all you need to do is call or text 0777-163-1945 or email

We have seen people come off psychotherapeutic medication many times. (And stay free.) We have helped them come free from the visible and invisible causes of their persistent unhappiness, so that medication becomes unnecessary, unwanted and carefully phased out.

  • Low self-esteem ~  Low confidencePersistent unhappiness ~ Fear of failure ~  Hidden stress
  • Serious Disappointment ~ An eating disorder ~ OCD ~ Phobia(s) ~ Self-worth issues ~ Guilt  ~ Shame
  • Depression (long and short term) ~ Abuse (physical/verbal/sexual)
  • Marriage relationships ~ Partner relationships ~ Parent-child/teenager/young adult/adult relationships
  • Business relationships ~ School relationships ~ Parenting relationships
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  (PTSD) ~ AngerWeakness ~ IndecisionInjustice ~ Betrayal
  • Poor Self-imageLoss or Gain of Weight ~ Chronic Anxiety – Trappedness ~ Lack of control
  • Addiction ~ AvoidanceInsomnia ~ Lack of MotivationSense of Hopelessness
  • Rejection ~ Bipolar ~ Bereavement and loss ~ Emotional Pain 
and the resultant physical symptoms and ill-health.
